Parkinsons at Home

Diagnosis - Now What?

These are just project to think about getting done before the progression of the diseases become a problem, if possible to make life a little easier.  Not everything needs to be done immediately. 


1.     Find a good and highly recommended Neurologist (probably a good idea to find one ASAP) – you will need them for prescription medication and information.  The sooner you get the appropriate medication started the better to slow the progression of the disease 


2.     Parkinson’s Support Group (or a support group available for the disease you or your loved one is dealing).  It is helpful to learn, share with  others that are sharing the same experiences. 


3.     Attorney (Need to get these done while your loved one is able to make their wishes known).   

    1. Last Will & Testament

    2. Durable Power of Attorney

    3. Community Property Agreement

    4. Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care Decisions

    5. Health Care Directive


4.      Start clearing the traffic pattern in your home and the path need to go to your vehicle.  The second reason to avoid tripping hazards. 

    1. It may be necessary to rearrange furniture

    2. Keep in mind that sometime in the future (hopefully a long time in the future) your loved one will need clear pathways that can accommodate walkers, transport chairs, wheelchairs


5.     Chiropractor & Masseuse (Parkinson’s tightened up Cal’s muscles and joints) 

    1. This was a great suggestion from our Primary Medical Doctor

    2. Our Chiropractor had multiple Masseuse that work at his practice.

    3. The reason: To keep Cal flexible as long as possible

    4. It really helped Cal for several years.


6.      PULSE form (Physician Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment) 

    1. We received it from our Primary Doctor’s Office

    2. Our Doctor came to our home for a “Safe Check”

    3. Our Doctor help go through the PULSE form so that we knew exactly what each choice would mean so that we make educated decisions.

    4. Make multiple copies. Distribute copies to: Every Doctor, Hospital, Multiple copies at home for Emergency Medics, one stapled to the “Medical Prescription & Supplement” form that should be carried on your person at all time. Always have extra copies.

7.     Travel – Enjoy some travel
