Parkinsons at Home

Parkinson’s, Pandemic and Masks

The Covid Pandemic starting early in 2020 and presented new challenges in trying to take care of Cal and keep him safe.  We spent his last month trying to get us a Covid vaccine shot, which just was not available at that time. 


Drooling and runny nose are two difficult Parkinson’s symptoms to deal with, without Covid and the necessary Mask Mandates.  Trying to keep our love-one safe during this time wasn’t easy 


The following are a couple of ideas to help dealing with Parkinson’s, Covid and Mask a little more manageable. 


Our daughter has a real serious woodworking hobby.  She suggested getting a X- Shield:  ¾ Face Vented Clear Face Shield worn like glasses.   I ordered Cal’s from  Amazon.  It was one of the best ideas ever and make the Doctor’s visits much more  manageable and safer for everyone we had to come in contact.  It made taking care of  his is runny nose and drooling. 

I used a LOT of the disposable style masks (the most comfortable early in the  Pandemic).  I kept a healthy supply of new masks and a plastic bag to hold used masks for disposal. 

Sideline:  We both wore vest with a lot of pockets for his “supplies.”  It was easier for  me to wear a vest than carry a purse in the beginning of the many medical visits.  (I bought a woman’s “Heirloom Garden Vest” from Duluth Trading Company, it looked a little better than a Man’s small vest)  Later, I also used a bag (the reusable grocery bags worked well) that I could hook a handle of the bag on each of the handles of the wheelchair. 


By the time the Pandemic started Cal was well into Advanced Parkinson’s which isn’t a  fun stage of this disease.  He could not consistently understand or remember that there  was a Pandemic and that it wasn’t just local, it was all over the world.  He would want to go out for Breakfast or Lunch at his favorite restaurants and would not believe me  when I told him they were closed.  He would tell me basically that I was lying to him  and just wanted to keep him trapped at home.  So, every once in a while, instead of  trying to reason with him, I would help him get dressed, get in the car and drive to the  restaurant.  Hey, getting out of the house in the car with just me was as safest as possible outing.  I would pull into the parking lot of whatever restaurant he wanted to go to and  we would go through the steps, 

  1. Do you see the note on the door/window? 

  2. What does it say?  

  3. Are there any cars in the parking lot?  

Ok, so a chance to get out of the house for a little while.  I know the whole situation was hard on him, but taking a little jaunt helped calm him down. 

Hope this help, looks like this Pandemic is not ending soon.
