Parkinsons at Home


Cal’s Parkinson’s was officially diagnosed August, 2008. I think that he had Parkinson’s for several years before his diagnosis.

I credit a dear friend, the wife of a square dance caller Lee Kopman, Lillith, a very special couple we saw only every couple of years (they were from New York and we live in Seattle) with us going to our Primary Doctor to have him checked to see what was “wrong.” We had left a square dance early (which was not something we usually did), by the time we got home we had about a dozen phone messages from Lillith and Joann that we were to meet them at a restaurant for dinner. ….and not going was not an option. When we arrived, Lillith pulled me into the ladies room and demanded to know what was wrong with Cal because “something was wrong.”

That just the beginning that lead to us to see the first of many Doctors over the next 12 years.

Earlier symptoms:
Physically - When we were going on our morning walks – both of Cal’s arms did not swing normally, his right arm was drawn up almost high enough to use a sling
Personality – his was suddenly subdued, Cal had had a dry since of humor, a quick wit, and so much more, his mind and ideas were going a mile a minute

If I can help anyone make a little easier to deal with any of the many brain degenerative diseases, that is my goal.
