
My Meeting Rules

I’m often put in charge of meetings - something which I find amusing.

I despise meetings.

Correction: I despise useless meetings.

I’ve developed rules about meetings that I try to get people to follow and spread.

  1. Meetings should be as short as necessary with the minimum number of participants.

  2. Meetings should have a goal. If the goal is accomplished then the meeting is over.

  3. If a meeting turns into a discussion between 2 people, they need to take it offline.

  4. People remember the first 20 minutes and the last 20 minutes of the meeting. Plan accordingly.

  5. Too many people in a meeting is a committee. Committees don’t like to make decisions.

  6. Check your default meeting length. Don’t leave it set at an hour if you don’t need it.

  7. Meetings are like a gas, they expand to fill the available space.

  8. No surprises. If you know you will ask someone a question- tell them the question ahead of time.

  9. My standard for meeting length:

    1. Touchbase - 15 minutes

    2. Team meeting - 30 minutes

    3. Demonstration/Standard Team Planning - 60 minutes

    4. Workshop - 2 hours and more

  10. Respect peoples time.

    1. Don’t schedule over lunch

    2. Don’t schedule for the end of the day on Friday

    3. Know when the workday of your team starts/ends. Be respectful.

    4. Sometimes, because of time zones, some people get screwed on meeting times. Don’t make it the same people every time.